Thursday, October 9, 2008

On the Current Financial Crisis

I received a link to a pastoral letter from the ELCA Conference of Bishops regarding the current financial crisis. The letter in its entirety can be read here.

Here are the opening paragraphs.

As bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are deeply concerned about the current financial crisis, which is affecting not only our nation but the entire global economy. This crisis is causing fear and loss in our country as thousands of families face unemployment, foreclosure, and uncertainty about savings and pensions. Meanwhile, they struggle to put food on the table and gas into their cars. The future is uncertain for all of us, but it is especially frightening for those who are already vulnerable and struggling to survive. We offer our prayers for those whose lives are being affected and for our national leaders as they seek to address this complex matter.

We call on all people in our own communities of faith and those from every segment of our society who seek the health of our nation to join in conversation and prayer about our collective economic life, our financial behaviors, and the interconnectedness of all life and creation that cries out to be reclaimed.

This church has addressed the issues surrounding economic life in its social statement, “Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All,” (, and we encourage the use of this statement as a way to understand more fully how the following theological and biblical principles are central as we respond to this situation.
Please note that the social statement to which they refer is linked so you may click on the link to read it in its entirety.

In their letter, the bishops also lift up some of these principles: Concern for People in Poverty, Personal and Corporate Responsibility, the Need for Good Government, and the Benefits and Limits of Free Markets.

Please read these and pray for the world, the church and all those in need.

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